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Woman cancels anniversary trip after husband destroys her terrarium: ‘Pride and joy’

A woman who canceled her anniversary plans after her husband accidentally destroyed a treasured terrarium was completely within her rights to do so, said fellow Reddit users.

“AITA for canceling our anniversary trip because my husband drowned my terrarium?” asked Reddit user “Tiny-Pen-2289” in a Jan. 31, 2024 post on Reddit’s “Am I the A–hole” (AITA) subreddit.

In the post, Tiny-Pen-2289 said she’s a 29-year-old woman who recently traveled across the country to visit a company that offered her a job. 

That commenter also warned Tiny-Pen-2289 that her husband may be “enjoying being abusive or is trying to drive you to leave him.” 

He “has no intentions of treating you well,” said Kitchen_Victory_7964.

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Christine Rousselle is a lifestyle reporter with Fox News Digital.

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